To: Roann Beebe”

It appears that you take every opportunity possible to spend the tribe’s money on hotels and trips for yourself. What is your budget for this large expense and how has the tribe benefited from it?THIS IS ABOUT YOUR SALARY – DO ALL COUCIL MEMBERS HAVE EXPENSE ACCOUNT ABOVE THEIR SALARY TO COME TO WORK.????

 To: Nat Spurr:

After a professional investigation last fall, the council found a pattern of offenses strong enough to have a vote to remove you from the gaming commission.   I understand that you tried to resign before the vote. Were the professional investigators wrong, or do you want to apologize to everyone and try to do better in the future.???

 To: Rachelle Boonstra: SEE CANDIDATE RESPONSE.

In 2008 you were removed from the Tribal Council for misappropriation of funds. You also state in your bio that you served as chair of the culture committee, in truth you hardly attended any meetings. How can you explain these actions?

 To: Roann Beebe

Our tribe hired a very capable casino management company to run our casino. Under what authority do you spend most of your time trying to micromanage affairs at the casino when you are failing in your primary job of accurately and professionally publishing minutes and communication on a timely basis???


   As our tribal secretary, your job is to accurately, professionally, and on a timely basis publish the minutes of our tribal meetings. These minutes continually are published more than 3 months late and include many errors and omissions. Why is that? 

In that same line, you had published some council minutes in our most recent tribal newsletter that was 13 months old. The publishing of these old minutes appeared to be very politically motivated. Can you explain?

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